Violet Turaco

by Jaroslav Buna
Violet Turaco
Jaroslav Buna
Photograph - Photography-artistic Photography
Violet Turaco
Musophaga Violacea
The violet turaco, also known as the violaceous plantain eater (Musophaga violacea), is a large turaco, a group of African near-passerines. is found in a large area in West Africa. This area runs from Senegal to Nigeria. In addition, there is an isolated population in Chad and the Central African Republic. It is mainly located on tropical savannas, wetlands and in forests and forests.
The nutrition of the Violet tortoise is mainly made up of fruit, in particular figs. He also eats leaves, buds, flowers, insects and snails.
Unique pigment The name turaco comes from turacine, a copper-colored pigment that provides the special red color of its flight feathers. These feathers contrast strongly with its violet-colored plumage and are best seen when flying. The turacin pigment is unique. In all other red-colored birds the color is caused by the high value of carotenoids. The flamingo, for example, turns pink by the crustaceans and other crustaceans he eats. So far no other bird species have been discovered where the red color is caused by the turacine pigment, except within the family.
Name The rest of his name also describes his special appearance. His feathers are predominantly violet. On his head he has a yellow shield, to which he owes the second part of his name. He also has a red comb, white stripes on the side of his cheeks and a bright orange beak.
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May 13th, 2018
Comments (43)

Yoonhee Ko
Wonderful creation! Love the amazing details & beautiful bokeh!! Awesome work of art! Jaroslav! l/f

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Anita Faye
Jaroslav, happy to feature your beautiful work on Poetic Poultry! https://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html