Wasp Spider In Action
by Jaroslav Buna
Wasp Spider In Action
Jaroslav Buna
Photograph - Photography-artistic Photography
Argiope bruennichi (wasp spider) is a species of orb-web spider distributed throughout central Europe, northern Europe, north Africa, parts of Asia, the Azores archipelago, as well as recent sightings in North American states such as North Carolina and Ohio. Like many other members of the genus Argiope, (including St Andrew's Cross spiders), it shows striking yellow and black markings on its abdomen.
The spider builds a spiral orb web at dawn or dusk, commonly in long grass a little above ground level, taking it approximately an hour. The prominent zigzag shape called the stabilimentum, or web decoration, featured at the center of the orb is of uncertain function, though it may be to attract insects.
When a prey item is first caught in the web, Argiope bruennichi will quickly immobilise its prey by wrapping it in silk. The prey is then bitten and then injected with a paralysing venom and a protein-dissolving enzyme
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April 17th, 2019
Comments (23)
Yoonhee Ko
Wow~ this is an incredible natural beauty in b&w!! Extraordinary capture!! Wonderful work, Jaroslav!! l/f