Around The Meadow
by Jaroslav Buna
Around The Meadow
Jaroslav Buna
Photograph - Photography-artistic Photography
1. Dandelion is a symbol of sun, moon and stars.
The sun is when a beautiful winter blossoms, the moon when the lantern and the stars are the individual seeds that drive the wind.
2. The dandelion opens its yellow flower opening in the morning and closes every evening.
3. Each part of the dandelion is useful.
Whether it's a flower, a leaf or a root - the dandelion is used in food, it has healing abilities, and you can even use it for dyeing.
4. By the 18th century, people were pulling grass from the lawns to make a place for dandelion.
5. Dandelion is the plant most people know.
Let's make it clear - people who do not care about plants can usually detect at least the dandelion. Naturally, if they live in an area where this plant grows.
6. Dandelions are among the plants that have the longest flowering period.
7. The seed can be moved by up to 8-10 km thanks to the wind.
8. The dandelion is also used in the preparation of coffee.
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April 23rd, 2018
Comments (40)
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art feature! You are invited to archive your work in the Features Archive discussion as well as any other discussion in which it would fit!
Judi Dressler
Lovely dandelion information. :) And a beautiful presentation of this usually overlooked beauty! f/l
Dominique Fortier
Gorgeous work! Congrats on your feature in the "Beauty in Art" group and many others. l,f
Jan Mulherin
Congratulations!! This beautiful image has been selected to be featured for the week in the “Art for Ever with You” Group Home Page. You are welcome to add a preview of this featured image to the group’s discussion post titled “2018 May: Stunning Group Featured Images and Thank-you’s” for a permanent display within the group, to share this achievement with others. If the activity is allowed, your image will also be posted to our group Google+ page. Thank you for your participation in the group! ~Jan